{"id":1924,"date":"2022-01-24T18:28:16","date_gmt":"2022-01-25T00:28:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/meitlercom.flywheelsites.com\/?p=1924"},"modified":"2022-01-24T18:28:17","modified_gmt":"2022-01-25T00:28:17","slug":"4-ways-your-parish-can-avoid-a-long-slow-death","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/meitler.com\/2022\/01\/24\/4-ways-your-parish-can-avoid-a-long-slow-death\/","title":{"rendered":"4 ways your parish can avoid a long slow death"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

The Parish Pastoral Council and Strategic Planning<\/strong><\/p>\n

Most parish pastoral councils operate on a year-to-year basis with little focus on the long-term future.  Many are unaware of the community trends which are impacting the parish or the changing patterns of membership, sacramental practice, and finances.  Few see the need for a strategy for the future, instead placing their hopes on a return to the “good old days.” Around the country, parishes are dying slow deaths because there is no intentional or organized attempt to change their trajectories.  The smaller a parish becomes, the more difficult it is to overcome the forces of decline.<\/p>\n

Long-range planning is not something that can be done every year.  For parishes who regularly long-range plan, they usually do so every decade.  It takes time to develop a plan, organize the implementation, and then get results.  That is why it is essential to use the services of someone who has experience in parish or pastoral planning as a consultant.  Objectivity is critical in an effective planning effort.  Community and parish data need to be analyzed and any recommendations must be grounded in these objective realities.  If a parish wants to build a building, they will not proceed without the services of an architect or a design-builder.  The same is true if a parish wants to conduct a large capital campaign. They will hire a fund-raiser to determine the financial potential for the campaign as well as conduct the campaign itself.  As important as the future is to the parish, why would a planning consultant not be hired?<\/p>\n

Here are several important understandings to know before you begin a long-range planning effort.<\/p>\n