Catholic secondary education is difficult to provide in smaller more rural communities, and it is in this context the interest and need for a Catholic high school was being expressed by the communities of Monmouth and Galesburg and surrounding areas in the western part of the Diocese of Peoria. Meitler conducted a comprehensive research study that evaluated what the need and potential really was, ways the needs could be served, and the viability of various models for Catholic secondary education in these communities. Innovative models for Catholic high schools and traditional models were both considered. The study involved market research, demographic study, interviews and discussion groups, gathering experts, looking at the competition and considering possibilities with local colleges. People were listened to, all the facts were considered, and new possibilities were entertained. In the end, this is a good example of a study that determined not to open a high school at this time, giving parish and diocesan leaders the information they needed to make sound decisions.

“Thank you to Meitler. I am satisfied we have looked honestly and with openness at the needs of our community. The study was professionally done, what we needed at this time.”
-Bishop Jenky