The opportunities and challenges facing parish pastors and administrators extend across a wide spectrum. As the day-in, day-out face of the Church and its mission, your parish needs to be all things to all people while often working with limited resources. With a diversity of perspectives and agendas, it’s easy for a parish pastor or administrator to get pulled in so many directions and sometimes that means you get off course.
Our expert consultants have lived and worked in parish leadership. We understand the challenges you’re facing and can draw on a wealth of experience to guide you through the planning process.
Following the Meitler Way, we will help you gather the data you need to make objective, informed decisions that will form the backbone of your parish pastoral plan. Our consultant team will ensure you bring in the right people from the community to earn their support and inspire them to embrace the transformation process.
We can assure you that parish leaders who take the time to develop a strong pastoral plan, grounded in facts and inspired by the Holy Spirit, can define where the parish is going and be confident in how they will get there. By engaging in a planning process based on facts, guided by experience, and fueled by faith, leaders in the Church discover and articulate real solutions.
If your parish is at a point where you need to develop a strategic pastoral plan, we encourage you to reach out and let us guide you to a unique and innovative plan that will work for you.