A Delicate Balance
This school year 2020-21, like years past and even more so now, Catholic schools have been experiencing an enrollment decline, particularly at the elementary school level. In a number of dioceses and schools, there has been the "COVID-bump" increase in the number of students. There is hope of retaining these...
The Important Role of Catholic Schools for Parishes
Catholic Schools Week is an opportunity to renew our understanding and appreciation for the importance of Catholic Schools. Catholic Schools are important not only to the individuals and families they serve but to the parishes which support and promote them. Some of their impact is not immediately seen. According to...
Meitler Minute
Happy Catholic Schools Week! Catholic Schools Week is an important time to reflect on marketing, recruitment, admissions, and especially retention strategies! Call us today to let us help you determine how to best support your school's plan for the future.
Meitler Minute
The Meitler team has been actively helping schools, dioceses, and parishes think differently during the pandemic. Dr. Jackie Lichter offers ten action steps for your organization to adapt and survive.
The Serenity Prayer and School Planning
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) After working in Catholic education for more than 30 years, running a large, Catholic high school for 9 of those...
Meitler Announces Strategic Alliance
For over 40 years, Ruotolo Associates Inc. (RA) and Meitler have independently served clients across the country as mission-driven, impact-oriented partners. We share an unwavering commitment to the people, purpose, and promise of the institutions we are trusted to serve. In recent years, since becoming partner companies within Collegium, we...
Angela’s Vision
Meitler recently announced that Tom Heding was stepping down as the head of our company and that I was selected to become the third Director of this 50 year-old institution. For those who have not had the opportunity to work with me personally, I want to share some of my...
Meitler Announces New Managing Director
Meitler, the national consulting firm specializing in assisting the Catholic parishes, schools, and other faith-based institutions develop long-term strategic plans, announces the selection of its new managing director, Angela Gunderson, effective September 1, 2020. Angela becomes Meitler’s third leader, succeeding Tom Heding. Angela has been a teacher and a principal...
COVID-19: Control What You Can
For almost five decades, Meitler has helped schools, parishes and dioceses construct long-term, comprehensive strategic plans. By gathering relevant statistical data and immersing its consultants into the client’s local situation and culture, Meitler was able to guide the client in identifying and prioritizing important and timely issues and creating a...
Teaching and Learning in a VUCA World
The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic." -Peter Drucker Our Catholic schools, along with all schools, are working to adapt in a changing world over which they have less and less control. Much of our current situation as a...
Meitler Minute
Across the country, Catholic Schools have outshined public schools in the innovation and quality of education they provide during this pandemic. We can help make sure your school is in position to continue offering the quality education that you always have.
Altering the Status Quo: High School Alert
Amid the ongoing pandemic and the many unknowns for the 2020-21 school year, Catholic schools are facing a significant, though familiar challenge – enrollment. Predictions of 100 or more closures by the start of the next school year are becoming a reality as we hear of the loss of three,...
From Adapt to Adopt – Moving Through the Health Crisis (Part 2)
I recently heard someone say “Never do planning during a crisis.” Granted, everyone needs some time to react to the immediacy of a crisis, determine if we fight or flee, and try to understand what is taking place. But then we have to start adapting, especially when we realize the...
Preparing for 2020-21
All of us concerned with PreK-12 education are laser focused on the present. Every day brings issues we not only did not anticipate, but potentially have never considered before. From moving to virtual classrooms to establishing fair grading policies to balancing the logic or rebating tuition with the reality of...
From Adapt to Adopt – Moving through the Health Crisis (Part 1)
As we continue to move through the uncertainty of the current health crisis, we are seeing the impact vividly in all areas of our lives, particularly in our Catholic schools and parishes. Our schools have been leaders in a tremendous effort of responding to this crisis with a quick turn-around...
Meitler Minute
This is the time to talk about how your parish can use the best of your new outreach and communication efforts into the future.
Meitler Minute
Our mailboxes are almost always empty. Take advantage of that wide-open channel to reach your target audience!
Meitler Minute
In today’s Meitler Minute, Angela Gunderson reminds us all to not bemoan the things we cannot control, but work to define what is next for you.
Where do we go from here?
As a veteran, seasoned, and yes, old Catholic school educator, I truly admire what our teachers are doing to spin on dime and change the nature and direction of education today. While our medical personnel, first responders, and all on the health and well-being front are hailed as heroes today...
Meitler Minute
In today’s Meitler Minute, Tom Heding offers an encouraging reflection on looking forward, even as we are focusing on the six feet around us.