Bishops and diocesan staff have a broad responsibility in the Church. With regional oversight of parishes, schools and beyond, there is always something that needs your attention. One parish community might be struggling with financial viability. Another parish needs to launch a capital campaign to renovate. A third wants to know how they can build their leadership to attract young families. Our consultant team has lived these experiences and more!
The challenges seem daunting, but our industry-leading consulting professionals will guide you through the planning process and support you all the way from engagement to implementation.
Following the Meitler Way, we will gather the data we need to help you make rational, informed decisions that will bring your diocese to the transformation you want. Our consultant team will ensure you bring the right people in from the community, to earn their support, and ensure they become an advocate for your vision.
We have seen firsthand that a wise and inspired plan, widely embraced by diocesan and community leaders, produces a stronger mission and delivers hope for the future. By engaging in a planning process based on facts, guided by experience, and fueled by faith, we can help your diocese achieve lasting transformation.
If you are at a point in your diocese where you need to develop a strategic plan, we encourage you to reach out and let us guide you to a unique and innovative plan that will work for you.